4 Ways to Raise More Curious Kids
Recent research suggests most parents believe the more curious children are, the more likely they are to be successful adults.
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2. Do arts and crafts.
Here’s a good excuse to get out the crayons and the glue: approximately 75 percent of parents say that painting, drawing, and making art is one of the best ways for their child to explore and express her curiosity.
3. Read.
Reading is one of the most valuable ways to help children's language develop, plus it encourages an active imagination. Read with your child at home or take them to the library to pick out a new book or join in on story time.
4. Choose toys wisely.
Not all toys are created equal. When shopping, encourage your child to choose toys that help spark curiosity and creativity. Look for puzzles, strategy games, and other STEM toys. Bonus: Nine out of 10 parents say that their child is interested in toys that encourage curiosity for a longer period of time than toys that don't.