Whitby School's Secondary School Counseling Program Helps Students Find the Best Fit
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Students are advised at each step of the process, such as writing essays, preparing for interviews, and completing applications. The low student-teacher ratio at Whitby means the teachers are able to write very personal and knowledgeable letters of recommendation, which are an invaluable component of a student's application packet. Whitby also prepares its students for the admissions process through practice interviews and preparation courses for standardized admissions tests.
Image: Back row from left – Matthew Hake, Simon Hermann, Jason Gonzalez, Quinn Resnick, Doris Alvarez, Griffin Penna, Julien Chaussé, Sam Junkermann, Jack Norris, Abel Zurita. Front row from left – Rohan Suryawanshi, Alex Resnick, Carolina Ferrer, Taylor Bryan, Victoria Rivera, Seneca Schmitz, Carolina Rivera, Quinn Hulme, Isabelle Behring, Hope Luangisa, Catelyn Peters
Whitby School
969 Lake Avenue